
City Centre Chiropractic

Brisbane 3229 6993

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Blog posts : "female chiropractors"

Functions of the Blood: 8 Facts about Blood

The heart pumps blood through a vast network of arteries and veins. Blood is a living fluid. It transports oxygen and other essential substances throughout the body, fights sickness, and performs other vital functions. Below are 8 important facts about blood.

1. Blood Is Fluid Connective Tissue

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Five Cool Facts about the Middle and Inner Ear


Do you hear what I hear? It’s the sound of some awesome anatomy truthiness coming atcha! The middle and inner ear are kind of overlooked in the cool anatomical structures department, so I decided to honor some of the awesome things inside that head of yours.

1. The smallest bone in the bo…

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Emerging research trends on the relationship between sleep and pain

Emerging research trends on the relationship between sleep and pain

The relationship between pain and sleep quality is well reported in the literature. Sleep complaints are present in up to 88% of chronic pain disorders and at least 50% of patients presenting with insomnia also suffer chronic pain.…

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5 Ways Good Posture Makes You Look Thinner


Better posture is one of the best quick fixes we have for achieving a slimmer appearance. Many people do themselves a disservice by holding their bodies in ways that make them look heavier than they really are. Improving your posture instantly gives you a taller, thinner, and more confident look…

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Counting Calories in Coffee


Counting calories in Coffee     

 Drinking milk seems to be one of the most natural things in the world, being the first thing we actively do as babies. Whilst drinking milk wards off osteoporosis, have you ever considered counting the calories in your two-a-day lattes? While we are not …

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Did you know?

Did you Know?
On every single day of you life....
Your heart beats 104,279 times
Your blood travels 172,00 miles
Your breathe 23,170 times
You inhale 439 cubic feet of air
You speak 6200 words
you move 753 major muscles
You exercise 8 000,00 brain cells
You are amazing, let City Centre Chiropractic hel…

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6 blog posts