
City Centre Chiropractic

Brisbane 3229 6993

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Sun Safety for Summer

With the Christmas Holidays fast approaching there is no doubt that most families will be heading for the beach for some much deserved fun in the sun! However as we are all aware unprotected fun in the sun can have some very serious consequences. Skin cancer is the number one type of cancer in Australia and therefore it is obviously important that we all know how to protect ourselves from the damaging effects of UV rays. We are all familiar with Slip, Slop, Slap but the Cancer Council now has some additional guidelines for days in the sun. These include:

Check the SunSmart UV alert each day in the paper or on the Bureau of Meteorology website to see what times of the day the sun will be at its hottest. This will help in planning the day’s activities around the hottest part of the day (usually between 10 and 3).

Slip on some sun protective clothing which covers as much skin as possible

Slop on some sunscreen

Slap on a broad brimmed hat that protects the head, face, ears and neck from the sun.

 Seek shade (or create your own)

 Slide On some sun glasses to protect your eyes.

Should you follow these guidelines then your chances of harmful levels of sun exposure should be dramatically reduced. However it is important to note that some exposure to the sun is required in order to assist the body to effectively produce Vitamin D. Vitamin D is usually produced through the effects of sunlight of the skin and has been found to be partially responsible for the production and maintenance of healthy bones as well as preventing diseases such as rickets, osteomalacia, multiple sclerosis and migraines. In fact healthy levels of Vitamin D have also been linked to the prevention of certain types of cancer.


Current research carried out by the Queensland University of Technology suggests that for those that live in Brisbane, only 6-12 minutes of winter sun exposure 4 times a week is sufficient for the maintenance of healthy levels of vitamin D. This is usually obtained through incidental sun exposure which occurs as a result of day to day activities such as walking to the bus, hanging out the washing or simply strolling to the corner store. However, they also stress that no ‘healthy’ level of sun exposure can be identified as the amount of sun that can be tolerated is highly individual and depends on many factors such as age, skin type, previous sun exposure, body mass index, food choices and many more.

Should you be concerned about your vitamin D levels your GP can refer for simple tests in order to check your levels. Should they be identified as being low your GP may prescribe supplements in order to re establish healthy levels of this essential chemical.

Adapted from the Cancer Council website.


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